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Historical newsletters

dberdes Feb 26, 2009 11:50 PM

Are you historical newsletters available from your website?

Admin Feb 27, 2009 04:16 PM

Past issues of the Campbell Update are not currently available from the website. However, there is a plan add them in the near future--probably within the next couple of months. We'd be happy to send you past issues if you will let us know if there is a specific issue or time period that interests you.

Here's a link to our main email address:

dberdes Feb 27, 2009 05:04 PM

While it would be nice to have all historical newsletters available on the website, at this time I am specifically interested in the newsletters from 2007 and 2008. Thank you.

CSAMD Mar 17, 2009 01:28 AM

You can find Campbell Scientific Australia's historical newsletters on http://www.campbellsci.com.au/onlinearchive.

Some of the material is the same as CSI's and some is additional.

Steve Bailey, CSA

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