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LoggerNet 4.0 ties up my CPU

GBarker Sep 2, 2010 03:34 AM


When I moved from 3.4 to 4.0, I noticed that LoggerNet takes over 100% of my CPU every 5 minutes, for about 20-30 seconds. The result is that I can't use my computer every 5 minutes for 30 seconds. After going over this problem with several of your application engineers, it was explained that LoggerNet is now hard-wired to back up the entire network map and a whole bunch of other stuff. When I sent a copy of my network map backup, the response from the applications engineers and from at least one software engineer was "well, you have a lot of dataloggers and many of them have a lot of variables in their programs." This is true. Does Campbell not want me to use many of their dataloggers, nor have large programs? I would think you would want to encourage this.

Is there a plan to fix this problem? If not, what is your reasoning? If it will help, I can send you a backup of my network to test.


Dana Sep 2, 2010 04:29 PM

Hi Greg,

LoggerNet 4.0 writes to the XML file that comprises the network map every 5 minutes (note that this is not a backup per se, but writing to the existing file).

We have had at least one other report of this with a large network. There have been changes that will be released in LoggerNet 4.1 that optimize the writing of this file. This should speed things up for you.

Sorry, we really aren't trying to make things more difficult, but it happens sometimes :)


Dana W.

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