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Ultrasonic Anemometer RM YOUNG 85000 on CR1000

dmucino Aug 3, 2010 04:35 PM

We have to update some meteorological station (CR1000) using ultrasonic Anemometer sensor model RM85000.
I don´t know how it´s the best way to connect it, because the sensor is so far from logger around 100m.Therefore I can´t use Voltage, RS232 outputs. Then I can use RS485 or SDI-12 outputs.
I only know RS485 for data transmit to do a datalogger- network but not for read a sensor.

About SDI-12 I don´t know how to work.

Somebody has a good idea to solve this problem

* Last updated by: dmucino on 8/3/2010 @ 10:42 AM *

IslandMan Aug 3, 2010 08:36 PM

There shouldn't be any reason you cannot use the 0-5 Vdc outputs over 330 ft of cable. You still have to send the 12 Vdc power to the sensor over the cable. Just use good cable and RM Young recommends:
"When cable length between voltage output terminals and data
acquisition system exceeds 3m (10 ft.), the voltage outputs should be measured differentially."

If you want to use RS485 you'll have to convert from RS232 to RS485 with an adapter at both ends, which also will require 12 Vdc power. The Sonic sensor can be set up to just output the data on a timed interval so you just have to write a program to receive that data.


dmucino Aug 3, 2010 09:10 PM

Thanks a lot.
I will connect the anemometer using voltage output and diferencial reading at the logger.


Grant Aug 5, 2010 03:10 AM


We recently installed a couple of RM Young 81000 sensors, one with 80 metres of cable and one with 100m of cable and we used RS232.

The client wanted every piece of information the anemometer could throw out, apart from getting the timing and split strings correct, it runs like a dream.



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