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LabVIEW -> CR1000 data transmission

mwassmer Jul 19, 2010 06:38 PM

I am instrumenting a building that has an existing LabVIEW data acquisition system. The LabVIEW system is already measuring several parameters using existing sensors. I will be installing additional sensors and measuring them with a CR1000, but I'd like to avoid installing redundant sensors to measure the parameters that are already being measured by the LabVIEW system.

I'd like to use LoggerNet to collect all the LabVIEW and CR1000 data to ensure that it is synchronized and that I can use LoggerNet client programs to access it.

Could you please recommend an approach for accomplishing this?

* Last updated by: mwassmer on 7/19/2010 @ 12:39 PM *

IslandMan Jul 21, 2010 10:36 AM


I would suggest modifying the LabView software to add a serial port to export the data to the CR1000, then create a table in the logger to handle the data. You can just spool the data to the logger periodically or use Poll/response.

Good Luck,

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