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VX1 and VX2 on at the same time.

geometrikal Jan 20, 2009 04:44 AM

Is it possible to set VX1 and VX2 on at the same time on the CR1000? I want to set VX1 to +2500mV and VX2 to -2500mV.


dmn Jan 20, 2009 09:05 PM

Yes, you can set vx1 and vx2 to different values at the same time. Review the help in CRBasic under the heading of ExciteV for details. Set the delay argument to zero.

Notes: Any measurement instruction will turn off the excitation voltage for the duration of the measurement, some will not turn the excitation back on. At the NextScan statement, the excitation will be turned off.

geometrikal Jan 21, 2009 01:04 AM


I cannot seem to get this working. Perhaps its an error in my code? In this case it is vx3 set to -2500mV and vx2 set to 2500mV.

On the scope I get the following: http://www.tinderboxdesign.com/scope.gif

Here is the main program:

'Main Program

'Scan at 1Hz
Scan (1,Sec,0,0)

'Default measurements
PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
Battery (Batt_volt)

'Turn on the sensor
ExciteV (3, -2500, 0)
ExciteV (2, 2500, 0)

'Delay to settle
Delay (0,100,mSec)

'Make the measurement
VoltSe (light_sensor,1,mV25,1,1,0,250,1.0,0)

'Call Output Tables
CallTable Test

Swapping the first two ExciteV values swaps the waveform with vx2 having the decay from 2500mV and vx3 with the correct square wave.

* Last updated by: geometrikal on 1/20/2009 @ 6:06 PM *

TweedleDee Jan 21, 2009 03:38 PM

It is not possible to set VX1 and VX2 on at the same time on the CR1000. Using your code above, VX3 will stay at -2500 mV until the next ExciteV instruction in the program.

To accomplish this with the CR1000 would require a peripheral such as the SDMCVO4.

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