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Phone communication

arthurvr Jul 9, 2010 03:39 PM


I have a station with a cellphone communication.

LoggerNet's configuration has a phone base and phone remote device.

It's scheduled for collecting on each 12 hours, retrying twice (on each 30 minutes) in case of error.

This system has worked well for a year, but in last month there was a problem.

The modem did several tries to collect the data, on each 10 minutes. By almost 7 days, the modem has made several attempts (almost uninterrupted) to transmmit the data from station, without success, despite the configuration be limited by only twice retries.

After this 7 days, the communication came back to normal.

I'm afraid that this situation happen again.

Someone can help me?


jeff Jul 9, 2010 08:55 PM

Check to see if you have secondary retries enabled. If so what is the secondary retry interval? It may be that your cell service was down and after attempting two primary retries loggernet went into the secondary retry interval until it was successful,(7 days later), in connecting to the logger and collecting the data. If this is what has occurred you could disable secondary retries, and then after a scheduled collection failure loggernet should go back to the normal collection schedule after the configured number of primary retries, which should be just twice for you.

arthurvr Jul 15, 2010 06:15 PM

Hello Jeff,

The secondary retries are disabled.
There's only two retries enabled, on each 30 minutes.

As an example, in one of these 7 days when the problem happened, the modem tried to collect the data 33 times between 0:30 (scheduled time) and 8:00. In these 33 times, there was a connection (because my phone bill has registered it), but there was no data transmition. These connections duration took about 10 minutes each one.

These repeated tries to transmit data (ignoring the 2 retries) happened by these 7 days and now it's back to normal. I'm trying to understand what happened.

I have the communication log about this situation, and I can send it to you for helping.



jeff Jul 15, 2010 10:47 PM


Please email me at jadams at campbellsci dot com

Thanks, Jeff

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