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Young soinc 81000V and Kh2O vie V1 of the 81000V

baharmic Mar 27, 2010 08:02 AM

Hi, I am trying to connect the Kh2O to the 81000V vie V1 and then connect the 81000V to CR3000 via the RS-232.
I am having a few problems:
1) I could not get an input via the RS-232 connector (the actual 9 pin connector). In order to check why it doesn’t work I took the following steps: I have connected the 81000V directly to the computer via the RS-232 and got the output. Then I took the three wires that are connected to the RS-232 and connected them to C1 C2 and the ground as needed and also got the signal.

If I am correct, the only thing that I should need to change in the program when I connect the 81000V via the RS-232 9 pin should be the change of the COM from COM1 to COM RS-232 in the instructions. However, I made that change and I don’t get an output when the instructions are in COM RS-232 and the 81000V is connected to the COM RS-232 -- in the check I see that the port is active so I don't understand why I don’t get the signal.

2) When I get the signal (either in the computer directly through the 81000V, or through the CR3000 via COM1) I get a string that seems to be built from 5 numbers each separate by a space. From the string I am able to separate the U, V and W. However, neither of the other two numbers seem to be Sonic Temperature, and neither are KHO2 output: the fourth number in the string is around 350 and the temperature in the room is around 23 C degrees, the last number is around 30. Do you have any ideas as to why I don't get the Sonic Temperature and, more importantly, why I don’t get the KHO2 output?

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