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out of final storage memory error

sjp Mar 25, 2010 04:27 PM

I recently modified a CR1000 program, and after sending it to the logger, in the compile results windows I receive an 'out of final storage memory' error.

If I send back the original program (unmodified) I now receive the same error.

I've tried it on 2 different CR1000s and the result is the same.

Anyone seen this before, or have some insight into what the 'out of final storage memory' error is indicative of?


Dana Mar 25, 2010 09:12 PM

A few things to try:

If it is a large program, create a compressed file using CRBasic, which strips out all comments, extra lines, and spaces.

If there are several other programs stored on the CPU, use File Control to delete those files and then try sending the program again (make sure you have copies somewhere before deleting!)

Make sure the filename does not exceed 59 characters. (If several files with long names are stored, you may get a memory full error).

If you have a lot of variables in the program, make sure you are declaring them for efficient memory use. See Section 12.3 of the most recent CR1000 manual, titled Memory Conservation.

Hopefully, one of these will help.


Dana W.

sjp Mar 26, 2010 03:43 AM

I was able to re-create the problem locally (the CR1000 in question is remotely located, and I had uploaded the new program via IP) and noticed an error in creating the USR drive. It was a magnitude too large. However, I was unable to upload the proper program (or any program for that matter, regardless of it's content). When I looked at the status table via http (couldn't see it via LoggerNet's status table function) I could see the oversized allocation for the user table.

Locally I could fix it (reset the USR drive to size 0) using DevConfig, but couldn't figure out a way to do it remotely via IP.

A colleague was onsite and I was able to walk him through setting the USR table to 0 using the CR1000KD keypad.

problem resolved. thanks for the hints.

Dana Mar 26, 2010 05:35 PM

If this happens again (hopefully not!), in LoggerNet there is an application called PakBus Graph. If you right click on a device in PakBus graph you can "Edit Settings".

This will give you the datalogger's settings table, which has a lot of status table values as well as a few more. The user drive size can be edited from there.


Dana W.

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