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Moving PC208W from one XP machine to another?

wpns Mar 16, 2010 02:41 AM

I've moved the files in the c:\pc208W from one XP "machine" to another, but it doesn't remember my hardware configuration.

Where are the files (or registry entries?) for the setup stored?

"Machine" means a different virtual machine under VMWare on a MacBook, because on one of them PC208W keeps crashing seconds to minutes after starting a connection, but this should work, yes?


jra Mar 16, 2010 02:34 PM


PC208W held your network setup in a .DND file. It is probably called PC208W.DND in your c:\PC208W folder.


wpns Mar 16, 2010 10:23 PM

Worked the second time, thanks!

Dana Mar 17, 2010 07:14 PM

By default, the executable is contained in C:\PC208W\Bin, but the network map (DND file) is contained in C:\PC208W. If you create a desktop shortcut to the PC208W executable, you will need to edit the "start in" directory of the short cut so that the DND can be found.


Dana W.

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