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Cr1000 Totalizing Error

James Mar 2, 2010 06:07 PM

To all,

Help needed please. The following table is supposed to log the total rainfall between 7:00 the previous day to the 7:00 then next day, but it is only logging exactly half of the actual rainfall. The other output instruction of the table is OK.

DataTable (Dayly_Data_Website,True,-1)
DataInterval (420,1440,Min,0)
'Maks Outside Temp
Maximum (1,Ms(3),FP2,False,False)

'Min Outside Temp
Minimum (1,Ms(3),FP2,False,False)'Maks Inside Temp

'Max Inside Temp
Maximum (1,Ms(1),FP2,False,False)

'Min Inside temp
Minimum (1,Ms(1),FP2,False,False)

'Maks Windspeed and time
Maximum (1,Ms(5),FP2,False,True)

'Total Rainfall 7:00 to 7:00
Totalize (1,Ms(6),FP2,False)


aps Mar 2, 2010 11:26 PM

I think we need to see the rest of the program to debug this problem please as the Datatable code looks OK.

James Mar 3, 2010 05:37 AM


Can I email the program tou you ?


IslandMan Mar 3, 2010 11:22 AM


I ran into the same problem when trying to totalize the BTU outputs on 4 boilers I am monitoring with an array in the Totalize instruction. The instruction with 1 rep will not total the array as it appears to show in the help screens. The only way around this that I found was to total the individual boiler outputs 1/sec in my program and let the Totalize instruction work on that total 1/hour.

Good luck,

aps Mar 3, 2010 05:27 PM

Please send any programs that do not do this correctly to me:

andrew dot sandford at campbellsci.co.uk

As mentioned before typical reasons for statistics to not be calculated correctly can be:

a) the table not being called every scan.
b) skipped scans due to the logger being too busy to do all it needs to in the scan interval - this can lead to skipped records (data not being stored at the defined interval).

In the latter case the logger will, by default, reset totals and averages so as not to report bad stats at the next table output. This can be changed - see the help for the OpenInterval instruction. However, normally this instruction is not needed as programs are not normally written that can skip scans on a regular basis.

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