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unknown program in CR1000

julio Oct 27, 2009 12:31 PM


I have a CR1000 data logger, the problem is that: I send the program compiled to the data logger and then I desconect the data logger to the current 12V ..... when past some minutes I return to connect but it orders me a message of ¨unknown program¨....I have checked the internal battery and his value is of 3.6 V.

Thank you.

Dana Oct 27, 2009 05:56 PM

The datalogger requires continuous power in order to run its program. The datalogger cannot run off of the backup battery. If you are removing 12 V power the datalogger will stop running the program (anytime the voltage drops below about 9.5 volts, program execution will stop).


Dana W.

IslandMan Oct 30, 2009 09:34 AM


Are you saying that you:
1. Load a program into your CR1000.
2. Turn off the power.
3. Turn the power back on and the program is no longer in the CR1000?


jtrauntvein Oct 30, 2009 11:32 AM

This would happen if the run attributes of the program were set to "run now" but not to "run on power up".

julio Oct 30, 2009 11:48 AM

The sequence is:

-I load the program into the CR1000....
-I turn off the power of datalogger....
-I return to turn on the datalogger passed a few minutes... and the program does not exist in the datalogger. ¿what it is the problem?..( the battery of data logger is 3.6 V)

jra Oct 30, 2009 04:38 PM

How are you loading the program into the CR1000? Please give the exact software and steps you use.

julio Nov 2, 2009 09:24 AM

Ok Janet the sequence is this:
- I turn on the datalogger.
- I connect to LoggerNet through the RS232 cable
- I compile and send the program then.
- I observe that the program works correctly
- Then I desconect to the LoggerNet and I turn off the 12V / more later ....I turn on the datalogger 12V/connect LoggerNet but the LoggerNet tell me that the program is ¨unknown¨...and thats all....


jra Nov 3, 2009 01:59 PM

you wrote: - I compile and send the program then.

Is that from CRBasic or the Connect screen? If you are using Compile Save and Send from CRBasic you need to read the next screen carefully. There are two check boxes, one for "Run Now" and one for "Run on Power-up." Are they both checked?

Better yet. Send your program from the Connect screen. That is better practice, it will "run now and on power-up". Connect to your datalogger then Collect data then send a new program. You should always Connect then Collect before doing anything else to your datalogger such as setting the clock or sending a new program.


julio Nov 4, 2009 02:09 PM

Thank you Janet, I will try to do it this way.


MCTT Nov 8, 2009 03:06 PM


I think may be your program in CR1000 is lost.

Please download new firmware
(cr1000_firmware17)in website and download it into Cr1000.

After, Please download again your program into Cr1000.

Nguyen Van Hung
mail: nvhung.mctt@gmail.com
Measurement and Control Equipment Co., Ltd

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