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Raven Modems and a CSI I/O Port

georgedavies Oct 31, 2008 10:09 PM

I've got a network of loggers that are using Raven X modems (Sierra Wireless) with the SC932A and a straight thru cable off of the CSI I/O port.

I've just received a new batch of the same modem, and put the same config as I had before in the first one, tried to connect through the CSI I/O port and nothing. Connect to the modem, not any further.

I left my second one "stock". Same result. Can't talk past the modem to the logger.

I've had Raven XT and they don't talk through the CSI I/O port either, just through the RS232 port through a null modem cable and a gender changer. That works for some of my network, but I've got 21X and 10X still deployed that need the CSI I/O port capability.

Any ideas?

dmn Nov 6, 2008 03:36 PM

Are you using the SC932A with the new batch of modems?

With the older loggers, the configuration file must set the RS232 port of the Raven to 9600 baud, and you must use the SC932 or SC105.

ClaudeCSC Nov 7, 2008 07:57 PM

I suspect the reason for working on the Serial Port but not on the CS I/O is speed. For the CS I/O port, the modem needs to be set at 9600. We have had the XT working on the CS I/O port.

We have a document on our web site which may help. If you click on our "Download" button and then on the "Digital Cellular, Wireless ACE Templates, Modem Initialization Strings" you will see a template for the Raven XT.

Donald Snodgrass (DJ) in our office specializes in modem communication. Please give him a call or email (donald.snodgrass@campbellsci.ca).

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