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Compiling every bootup (CR1000/CRBasic)

benjaminc Aug 19, 2009 03:41 AM


I'm relatively new to the CR1000 and the CRBasic language. I've noticed (based on circumstantial evidence) that the CR1000 appears to be compiling our CRBasic program every time the datalogger is booted up. As our program is quite complex, this takes over a minute, and often must be done several times each day as our sensing instrument is turned off and on. It's only a slight inconvenience, but it made me curious -- am I interpreting this situation correctly? If so, why would the datalogger not store a compiled copy of the program? Is there any way to make it do so?


aps Aug 19, 2009 09:56 AM

This issue has been discussed in the last few days within CS. Users are writing more and more complex programs so this issue has come to a head recently.

The recompilation is currently needed to re-initialise working memory used by the CPU. Methods of preserving or just reinitialising that memory alone are being considered.

I can't say if or when this will change in the current generation of dataloggers but it has been raised as an issue with the designers.

Dana Aug 20, 2009 03:18 PM

Hello Benjamin,

What are your reasons for removing power from the datalogger? If you want the program to only run at certain times, this might be better controlled using logic in the program (i.e., when a trigger variable is true, run the code in the program and when it is false, branch around it. This could be a manually set variable, one based on time, or one based on some other condition).


Dana W.

benjaminc Aug 20, 2009 03:37 PM

Thanks to you both for your replies. I am impressed by Campbell's customer support.

Dana, the reason is quite prosaic: battery life. The CR1000 is not actually at fault, but it currently operates on the same power line as an internal GPS receiver which draws about 750mA at 3.3V -- obviously not something we want to leave running when we don't need it. Another solution would, of course, be to separate the power circuitry for these two components, but that would probably add more operating complexity than it would gain in time savings.


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