Dear all,
I am working on CNR1 Net Radiometer and CR1000
we are the system integration and our customer bought NR1 and CR1000. Our customer did not buy 4WPBP100 module.
While I have to measure the NCR1's Temperature(Pt - 100).
Now, I would like to integrate NCR1 and CR1000 without 4WPBP100 module, Please show me to solve this issue
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thansk and Best Regards,
Nguyen Van Hung
Chief Engineer
Measurement and Control Equipment Company limited(MC&TT Co., Ltd)
No 847, Huyen Ky, Phu Lam, Ha Dong Dist, Hanoi, Vietnam
Use one 10K ohm resistor and a high precison 100 ohm resistor to build your own 4 wire half brdw shunt.
Dear Cabbageheart
Thanks for your support.
Please show me more details. because This is the first time I have done it.
Best Regards,
Nguyen Van Hung
Dear Cabbageheart,
Could you design it to me ?.
Please send me it and show me in CR1000, I have to use what is subs/functions ?.
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards,
Nguyen Van Hung
If you download the manual for the 4WPB100 it has the schematic and wiring. There's also a programming example in there for the CR1000.
* Last updated by: IslandMan on 7/30/2009 @ 5:16 AM *
Dear IsLanMan
Thanks for your support.
I have seen user manual of the 4WPB100.
It is difficult to find resistances that are standard available in Vietnam. But I will try it.
Best Regards,
Nguyen Van Hung
If you invite me to visit Vietnam, I will agree to send you some. Search in Vietnam at first!
As an intermediate measure it is worth noting that if you only require net measurements for the longwave radiation you can simply connect the sensor back to back (or take the measurements separately and deduct them) rather than working back to the individual absolute components. For this you do not need to measure the body temperature at all. The original Kipp manual shows you how to do this - download it from the link on this page:
The CNR1 has matched outputs for its different sensors which allows all the component sensors to be wired in series to give even a net total radiation if you wish. (This is not normally done as most users who pay so much for the sensor like to see the output from the individual components)