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Dual comms

PPeters Jul 3, 2009 05:09 AM

I have an interesting problem and was hoping to access others opinion.

The background to my issue is we run a legacy telemetry network based around radio communication and the CR10x dataloggers run from an in-house designed telemetry application.
Recently we have added GPRS Serial port extender modems into the network and since a major flood have utilised the SDS511 dual comms device (http://www.campbellsci.com/sds511) for dual communication paths; Combination of Radio, GPRS (UDP) and land line.

With the replacement of the CR10x with the pakbus (CR800) style loggers it means that my current telemetry application is unable to interrogate the new loggers but LoggerNet does not provide a feature for Dual comms paths

The Question I have is
a) Has anybody found a way of using the SDS 511 for Dual comms with LoggerNet? or built there own Telemetry?

b) Has CSI considered this in the future development of Loggernet? could it be funded for?

I am reluctant to redevelop our existing telemetry application as I have been running LoggerNet with the CR850's over GPRS on a stand alone machine and have been very impressed with the performance and functionality.

Interested to hear your feedback

As an aside we have developed a virtual modem to talk to UDP type GPRS SPE units if anybody is interested. Works of a virtual comm port and is coded as a Phonebase under Loggernet setup.

Dana Jul 7, 2009 07:20 PM

We occasionally get a request for redundant communication links in LoggerNet. It is something that is in our database for consideration, but there are currently no projects being developed that include this feature.

I suppose if the datalogger were doing the calling (for instance, using SendData), you could route the data via any of the datalogger's communication channels (RS232, CS I/O, or control port).


aps Jul 9, 2009 09:45 PM

You can configure Loggernet to have two paths to a logger, simply by entering the logger twice in the network map with different comms links. LN though treats them as separate entities so will try to collect all the data twice via the two separate paths if both are enabled.

We have had users set this up though and manually switch on the backup route if they lose the main link.

We even had one user use a function of the Task Master to run a program after the comms retries fail to run a Corascript program to cahnge the loggernet settings and enable the secondary comms route.

This does work but as the data collection points for the two separate entries are not linked you usually need to edit and splice datafiles together if there is a switchover.

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