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email relay function returns the error code -3 ("Cannot connect to Konect") CR1000

SebastienLisah Oct 23, 2024 07:12 AM

I have a CR1000 with a CELL215 in Tunisia and I use KONECTGDS.

My prog in slowsequence : 

Public EmailSucces1

Const ToAddr = "xxxxxxxx@xxxx.fr"

Public Message1 As String * 1000

Public email_server_response As String * 100

 EmailSucces1 = EmailRelay (ToAddr, "SUBJECT",Message1,email_server_response,"")

The email relay function returns the error code -3 ("Cannot connect to Konect").

Before using konectgds, the email relay function on the cr1000 worked very well.

Thank you for your help


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