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Skipped Scans

elzinga6 Oct 8, 2024 02:34 PM

I'm looking for help with skipped scans. I seem to be getting some conflict when mutiple digital sensors are connected to the same port, but are using different scan rates. I would just move them to another port (C5 or C7), but those are needed for pulse counting the tach output of 3 aspirated shields.

I currently have buffer option set to 3. Should I change this? I'm having trouble understanding how that works. Any ideas would be great. I'm using a CR1000X...

Here are how my scans are setup generally:

Main Scan: 3 seconds (buffer option 1, count 0) - AT at 3 levels, Wind 2 levels, Rain, LWS etc.

SlowSequence Scan1: 5 seconds (buffer option 3, count 0) - AT/RH (HygroVue10) - Addr.0 @ C1

SlowSequence Scan2: 10 seconds (buffer option 3, count 0) - Solar and Net Radiation (CS320 ans SN500SS) - Addr. 1 and 2 @C1

Slowsequence Scan3: 120 seconds (buffer option 3, count 0) - Soil (CS655) - Addr. 0-4 @C3

JDavis Oct 9, 2024 07:07 PM

You have timing conflicts from multiple sequences wanting access to the same port. Look at the SemaphoreGet() instruction in CRBasic.

elzinga6 Oct 28, 2024 07:24 PM

I can confirm that the "Semaphore" instructions helpd to solve my skipped or missing scans. I will add some sample code for reference. The sample program I created uses a 3-second main scan for all analog sensors, a 5-second slow sequence scan for a HygroVue10, a 10-second slow sequence scan for a digital pyranomter and net radiometer, and a 2-minute slow sequence scan for 5 digital soil probes. All 8 digital SDI-12 sensors are connected to C1. Enjoy!


'Michigan State Univesity - Enviroweather
'Datalogger Series: CR1000X
'program name:      SemaphoreLocks.cr1x
'created by:        Jordan Elzinga
'date:              10/28/2024
' Declare Constants:
Const CS320_SN3506 = True      ' CS320_SN3506: S/N of CS320 sensor is greater than 3505
Const LWET = 280               ' LWET:       leaf wetness - cutoff between wet/dry (e.g. 280 mV)
Const MAIN_SCAN = 3            ' MAIN_SCAN:  Primary Scan Rate, in seconds (e.g. 3)...           used for main program and most analog sensors
Const SUB_SCAN1 = 5            ' SUB_SCAN1:  SlowSequence Scan Rate, in seconds (e.g. 5)...   used for RH - digital
Const SUB_SCAN2 = 10           ' SUB_SCAN2:  Slow Scan Rate #2, in seconds (e.g. 10)...  used for solar radiation - digital
Const SUB_SCAN3 = 120          ' SUB_SCAN3:  Slow Scan Rate #3, in seconds (e.g. 120)... used for soil sensors - digital
Const SDI12_Lock = 1           ' SDI12_Lock: Semaphore lock used for SDI12 instructions on a shared port
'--- Public variables - useful for maintenance
'-basic info
Public VOLT                    ' Logger Battery Voltage
Public HV10_ATMP               ' Air Temperature @ 1.5m
Public RELH                    ' Relative Humidity @ 1.5m
Public DWPT                    ' Dew Point @ 1.5m
Public VAPR                    ' Vapour Pressure @ 1.5m
'-Wind Speed & Direction
Public WSPD                    ' Wind Speed @ 3m
Public WDIR                    ' Wind Direction @ 3m
Public SRAD                    ' Solar Radiation @ 2m
Public NRAD                    ' Net Radiation @ 2m
Public PCPN                    ' Precipitation @ 1m
'-Leaf Wetness
Public LWS0                    ' Leaf Wetness @ 1m
'-Soil Moisture
Public SMST_05CM               ' Soil Water Content @ 5cm depth
Public SMST_10CM               ' Soil Water Content @ 10cm depth
Public SMST_20CM               ' Soil Water Content @ 20cm depth 
Public SMST_50CM               ' Soil Water Content @ 50cm depth
Public SMST_100CM              ' Soil Water Content @ 100cm depth
'-Soil Temperature
Public STMP_05CM               ' Soil Temperature @ 5cm depth
Public STMP_10CM               ' Soil Temperature @ 10cm depth
Public STMP_20CM               ' Soil Temperature @ 20cm depth
Public STMP_50CM               ' Soil Temperature @ 50cm depth
Public STMP_100CM              ' Soil Temperature @ 100cm depth
Public PanelTemp_C             ' Datalogger panel temperature (used to calculate air temp)
Public DayOfYear               ' Date/Time Info from Logger - "Day of Year"
'--- More Variables - just not public ones (data arrays)
Dim CurrentTime(9)             ' Date/Time Info from Logger
Dim HygroVue10(4)              ' HygroVue10 Temperature/Relative Humidity Sensor (1.5m)                         
Dim CS320(6)                   ' CS320 Digital Thermopile Pyranometer (2m)
Dim SN500Data1(4)              ' Net Radiometer - Short and Long wave radiation both Incomming, and Outgoing
Dim SN500Data2(2)              ' Net Radiometer - Net Radiation for both Short and Long wave
Dim ALBD                       ' Net Radiometer - Albedo (proportion of light that is reflected by the planet)  
Dim CS65X_0(6)                 ' CS655 Soil Moisture, Temperature, and EC sensor (@ 5cm depth)
Dim CS65X_1(6)                 ' CS655 Soil Moisture, Temperature, and EC sensor (@ 10cm depth)
Dim CS65X_2(6)                 ' CS655 Soil Moisture, Temperature, and EC sensor (@ 20cm depth)
Dim CS65X_3(6)                 ' CS655 Soil Moisture, Temperature, and EC sensor (@ 50cm depth)
Dim CS65X_4(6)                 ' CS655 Soil Moisture, Temperature, and EC sensor (@ 100cm depth)
'--- Set readable names for all of the variables stored in arrays (SDI12 sensors etc.)
Alias SN500Data1(1)=SWIN        ' Incomming Short-wave Radiation
Alias SN500Data1(2)=SWOUT       ' Outgoing Short-wave Radiation
Alias SN500Data1(3)=LWIN        ' Incomming Long-wave Radiation
Alias SN500Data1(4)=LWOUT       ' Outgoing Long-wave Radiation
Alias SN500Data2(1)=SWNET       ' Short-wave Net Radiation
Alias SN500Data2(2)=LWNET       ' Long-wave Net Radiation
Alias CS320(3)=CS320_TMP        ' Sensor Temperature
#If CS320_SN3506 Then
  Alias CS320(4)=CS320_Z        ' Sensor Orentation
  Alias CS320(6)=CS320_Z        ' Sensor Orentation
DataTable(Table5, True, -1)
    '--- Date / Record Info ---
    DataInterval(0, 5, Min, 10)
    '--- Standard Station Data ---
    Average(1, HV10_ATMP, FP2, False)
    Average(1, RELH, FP2, False)
    Average(1, DWPT, FP2, False)
    Average(1, VAPR, FP2, False)
    Totalize(1, PCPN, FP2, False)
    Average(1, LWS0, FP2, False)
    WindVector(1, WSPD, WDIR, FP2, False, 0, 0, 0)
    Average(1, SRAD, FP2, False)
    Average(1, NRAD, FP2, False)
    Average(1, STMP_05CM, FP2, False)
    Average(1, STMP_10CM, FP2, False)
    Average(1, STMP_20CM, FP2, False)
    Average(1, STMP_50CM, FP2, False)
    Average(1, STMP_100CM, FP2, False)
    Average(1, SMST_05CM, FP2, False)
    Average(1, SMST_10CM, FP2, False)
    Average(1, SMST_20CM, FP2, False)
    Average(1, SMST_50CM, FP2, False)
    Average(1, SMST_100CM, FP2, False)
    '--- Extra Net Radiometer Data
    Average(1, LWIN, FP2, False)
    Average(1, LWOUT, FP2, False)
    Average(1, LWNET, FP2, False)
    Average(1, SWIN, FP2, False)
    Average(1, SWOUT, FP2, False)
    Average(1, SWNET, FP2, False)
    Average(1, ALBD, FP2, False)
    '--- Diagnostic Data:
    Average(1, VOLT, FP2, False)
    Minimum(1, VOLT, FP2, False, True)
    Sample(1, CS320_TMP, FP2)
    Sample(1, CS320_Z, FP2)
    ' Main Scan  --  (e.g. every 3 seconds)  --  Analog Sensors
    Scan(MAIN_SCAN, Sec, 1, 0)
      '-- Record logger status
      RealTime(CurrentTime)          '--- determine Current Time
      DayOfYear = CurrentTime(9)     '--- store day of year publicly
      Battery(VOLT)                  '--- determine CR6 Dataloger Battery Voltage
      PanelTemp(PanelTemp_C, 60)     '--- determine CR6 Datalogger Wiring Panel Temperature
      '--- measure Precipitation   (TE525)
      PulseCount(PCPN, 1, C8, 1, 0, 0.254, 0)
      '--- measure Leaf Wetness   (LWS-L)
      BrHalf(LWS0, 1, mV5000, 4, VX1, 1, 2500, False, 10000, 60, 2500, 0)
      '--- measure Wind Speed / Wind Direction
      PulseCount(WSPD, 1, C3, 1, 1, 0.8, 0.447)
      If WSPD<0.457 Then WSPD=0             ' adjust for sensor 'dead zone'
      BrHalf(WDIR, 1, mV5000, 3, VX2, 1, 2500, True, 20000, 15000, 720, 0)
      If WDIR>=360 OR WDIR<0 Then WDIR=0    ' adjust for sensor 'dead zone'
      '--- Store/Output Data
      CallTable Table5
    SlowSequence    '--- Slow Sequence Scan #1  --  (e.g. every 05 seconds)  --   Digital (SDI-12) Sensors
    Scan(SUB_SCAN1, Sec, 3, 0)
      '--- measure Standard Air Temp/Relative Humidity/Dew Point/Vapour Pressure
        SDI12Recorder(HygroVue10(), C1, "0", "M3!", 1, 0, -1)
    SlowSequence    '--- Slow Scan Rate #2  --  (e.g. every 10 seconds)  --   Digital (SDI-12) Sensors
    Scan(SUB_SCAN2, Sec, 3, 0)
      '--- measure Solar Radiation
        SDI12Recorder(CS320(), C1, "1", "M4!", 1, 0, -1)
      '--- measure Net Solar Radiation
        SDI12Recorder(SN500Data1(),C1,"2","M!",1,0,-1)    '-- 'SWIN', 'SWOUT', 'LWIN', and 'LWOUT'
        SDI12Recorder(SN500Data2(),C1,"2","M1!",1,0,-1)   '-- 'SWNET' and 'LWNET'
        SDI12Recorder(ALBD,C1,"2","M4!",1,0)              '-- 'ALBD'
      NRAD=SWNET+LWNET    ' Calculate net radiation 'NRAD'
    SlowSequence  '--- Slow Scan Rate # 3  --  (e.g. every 2 minutes)  --  Soil Sensors
    Scan(SUB_SCAN3, Sec, 3, 0)
      '--- measure Soil Temperature / Soil Moisture
        SDI12Recorder(CS65X_0(), C1, "A", "M3!", 1, 0, -1)
        SDI12Recorder(CS65X_1(), C1, "B", "M3!", 1, 0, -1)
        SDI12Recorder(CS65X_2(), C1, "C", "M3!", 1, 0, -1)
        SDI12Recorder(CS65X_3(), C1, "D", "M3!", 1, 0, -1)
        SDI12Recorder(CS65X_4(), C1, "E", "M3!", 1, 0, -1)

minorhusk Dec 4, 2024 02:45 AM

You have time problems due to numerous sequences attempting to access the same port. Consider the SemaphoreGet() instruction in CRBasic.

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