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about the CSAT3

zkh Jun 8, 2009 06:29 AM

There are two CSAT3 three_dimensional sonic anemometer we have used one year.But we find that for some reasons the two CSAT3 Electronics Boxes were exchange.The serial number of the BOX is not same as the CSAT3.So I want to know which effect if they were exchange!And the data we had got if we can used? Thanks!

eddycov1 Jun 17, 2009 09:07 PM

Dear user,

CSAT3's head and electronic box need to be ALWAYS matched because the CSAT3 calibration is done in the way to account for a specific geometry of the CSAT3 head. Since every head is slightly different the geometry is different too and that information is saved in the corresponding electronics box.

It is very hard to say how good your data is. In your case there was for sure discrepancy in the CSAT3’s calibration and because of that your data is NOT accurate. How inaccurate it got is very hard to say before knowing how much the CSAT3’s calibration shifted.

There is a way to find out what that shifting could be but that is very time consuming and complicated procedure. It turns out to be pretty expensive as well. If you need more info, or help please contact info@campbellsci.com and you will get redirected to the one of AEs in the MicroMet group who will be happy to help you more.



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