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Problem with CC640 saving to CR1000

Ellinwood May 26, 2009 06:49 PM

For some reason, my CC640 camera takes a long time to write to the CR1000 and take its next picture. I have tried different set-ups, both through the RS-232 and CS I/O ports, to try to fix the problem, but it just won't work. Whether I just hit the snap button on the camera, or have a CR1 program tell it to take a picture, it will take a little over 3 minutes to take the picture, process it, and save it to the CRD drive on the CR1000.

For the CR1 program, I made a very simple one that sends a 5V signal for 1 second through the EXT connection of the CR640, which tells it to take a picture.

'*** Program ***
Scan (20,Sec,10,0)
PulsePort (1, 1000)

This program works so that a picture is supposed to be taken every 20 seconds. However, because of the processing or whatever the camera is doing, it still only takes pictures about once every 3 minutes (it seems like processing, because the Status LED is pulsing red most of the period when the camera is in the process of taking pictures).

I have the images fully uncompressed, with timestamps, putting them around 435 kb per image (640x504). The Compact Flash drive I am using is a Verbatim 256mb card.

Also, the camera seems to be outputting an additional file for each image. These files are named "0055_0000148.JPG", where 0055 is the PakBus address of the camera, and 0000148 is the camera's internal counter of how many images have been taken. These extra files are about 0.05-0.1 kb each.

Everything is presumed connected correctly and operating functionally. Before hooking up the CC640 to the CR1000, I put the memory card directly into the CC640, and it worked properly while using the Snap button. The CR1 program running on the CR1000 works flawlessly when the CC640 is saving images to the Compact Flash card directly from the camera. Also, when saving images directly from the camera to the Compact Flash, the extra "0055_#######.JPG" files are not produced.

All the settings on both the CC640 and CR1000 are correct, according to the latest CC640 manual. Everything is connected properly, and everything works properly. PakBus addresses, Baud rate, connections, everything is set properly. I've tried connecting via the RS-232, CS I/O SDC7 and CS I/O SDC8.

For the Files Manager, I use this:
(55, CRD:wcimage.JPG, 100)
...and it works.

The only thing that is hanging me up is the 3 minutes it takes to save an image to the CRD drive while it is in the CR1000.

aps May 26, 2009 09:53 PM

I am afraid the time taken is a limitation of the serial transfer speed from the camera to the logger, limited by the baud rate.

See tables 8,9 and 10 in the CC640 manual. At full resolution with no compression, the time you found it takes is pretty close to that given in the manual.

* Last updated by: aps on 5/26/2009 @ 3:54 PM *

Ellinwood May 28, 2009 04:23 PM

Alright, I've got the timing thing fixed.

I'm still having a problem with the camera creating these extra "0055_#######.JPG" files. They don't take up much space, but they're a nuisance, and they'll end up filling up a good portion of the Compact Flash drive if left for a long enough period of time.

So far, I've tried using LNCmd's delete-file option, but I cannot use "CRD:0055*.JPG" or "*.JPG" or anything like that to delete files (it gives me an error: "An invalid name was specified"). Instead, I must delete each file by its exact name, which doesn't work well if I want to automate it.

Also, the extra files aren't made after every single image... just random ones about every 3 images or so.

* Last updated by: Ellinwood on 5/28/2009 @ 10:29 AM *

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