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CR10X not communicating with PC

Mornedejager May 22, 2009 12:02 PM

We have a delegation of Finnsih students in South Africa, and they brought a instrument with that measures temperature and pH at various levels in a dam, as well as a few other variables.

The instrument was used in Finland on a dam, and they used cellular communication to download data, as well as to program the system. I understood that the instrument was programmed to be offline for most of the time, starting up to take hourly samples, then went into sleep mode. 2 times a day, around 12:00 and 15:00 there is a 15 minute opportunity to connect to the system (cellularly) to get the information stored. In Finland the system worked.

However, now that the system is in South Africa we cannot seem to connect to it. The corresponding times should be 11:00 and 14:00 here, yet nothing happens during those times.

I have scanned through similar threads here, and have followed most of the advice.

- I use a new 12 V battery, supplying 12.56 V to the system.
- The system is grounded.
- There is a 12V and 5V on the relevants pins.

I have tried to connect to the system with a serial cable, yet it only tells me that it cannot connect to the CR10X. The serial cable is connected to the PC, then to a RSC32 little box, that is connected to the CS I/O port.

Any ideas what I can do without losing any programs.


IslandMan May 23, 2009 09:58 AM


Please tell me the part number of the RS232 box you have.
What software are you using to try to communicate with the CR10X?


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