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CommsMemFree(1)/ Out of Memory

JBecker Apr 28, 2009 12:44 PM

Dear all,

in the cr1000 manual section 19.3 the status table register "CommsMemFree" is described:
The first number should be <1000000.

As a fact, our CR1000 OS15 shows
CommsMemFree(1) = 1.401501E7 (=14.015 mio)
CommsMemFree(2) = 303
Sometimes the first value is around 1.3...E7.

What exactly are those values standing for?

Sometimes we get the warning "Out of memory" after the program was compiled and we are connected via GPRS to the Logger. It seems that this warning depends on the kind of communication (?). When we are connected via RS232 to the logger, there is no warning...

What could we do to "reduce" communication, or to what kind of communication is this warning related to?

thank you in advance,

Johannes B.

Dana Apr 28, 2009 02:01 PM

{i]CommsMemFree(1) = 1.401501E7 (=14.015 mio) [/i]

These are perfectly good values. It may help to take a look at the values using a keyboard display, if you have one, so they are not converted to scientific notation. These values reflect three different memory segments (OK, I am not in the office and I am going off all this on MY memory, which, unlike the datalogger's is flaky, but here's my recollection :)

So, the CommsMemFree(1) values, when no memory is being used are:

015 015 015

Your memory is essentially showing 014 015 (and probably 014?)

013 is OK. You would only need to worry if these values dropped REALLY low, like heading toward 0.

The out of memory error after a compilation is an error related to the memory that holds the variables and output calculations. This is a separate memory than the CommsMem. There are ways to optimize. I'll address the variable memory in another email, unless someone beats me to it :)

Do make sure you are using the most recent OS, since improvements are made with each release.



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