All FAQs (1886 total: showing 321-340)
- What does the Present Weather Viewing Software do? For example, can it save data?
- Can a PWS100 be used to measure visibility? If so, can it be used in a sandy area such as the Sahara Desert?
- What is the current drain of the PWS100?
- How is the PWS100 different from a rain gage or snow depth sensor?
- Can an HFP01SC-L provide correct running averages if the scan rate is reduced to 1 minute?
- If Short Cut does not list the TCAV-L on its sensor list, what should be done?
- Is it OK to have a TCAV-L connected to a data logger using a very long cable (100 ft/30 m)?
- What are the measuring range, accuracy, and resolution of the TCAV-L?
- What is the temperature range of the TCAV-L?
- What might cause a 25% difference between the factory calibration and the in-situ calibration of an HFP01SC-L?
- What type of quality assurance/quality control can be performed on HFP01SC-L measurements?
- For the HFP01SC-L, is there an available acquisition program that is capable of running in PipeLineMode?
- If Short Cut does not list a heat flux plate on its sensor list, what should be done?
- Does the HFP01SC-L have to be in direct thermal contact with the surrounding soil to achieve heat flux readings?
- Can the HFP01SC-L be embedded in railroad ballast, which comprises a blend of coarse rock particles?
- If the heat flow from the inside of a wall to the outside of a wall is being measured on the outside, should the blue face or the red face of the HFP01-L touch the wall?
- If the cable of the HFP01-L gets cut, can the cable be soldered to have the sensor work normally?
- What is the exact output voltage of the HFP01-L?
- If the speed indicator on a wind monitor stops working, is there a part that can be replaced, or does the whole unit need to be replaced?
- Is it possible to get 4 to 20 mA outputs for both wind speed and direction from the 05103-L?